Your hosts at Black Diamond Lodge
Black Diamond Lodge is a family-run business that feels like a home away from home.
Sarah and Jason Stanley are your hosts, helped by Sherilyn and Trevor, Frank, Kaylee and Karen.
We take great pride in our work and value attention to detail and integrity.
Our mission is to provide you with a delightful stay that leaves you refreshed and energised for your next adventure.
Our office hours are 9am-4pm, Monday to Friday, however, the owners, caretaker and staff are often around the property if you need help.
We text message codes on the day of your arrival so that you may check in at your leisure once your room is ready. You'll also be provided with a phone number to ring if you have any issues, which we'll attempt to resolve as quickly as possible.
Answers to most common questions can be found in our FAQ.
Please ring ahead if you need to drop off supply parcels or make any other arrangements.
43 Throssell Street, Collie. Parking at rear.
Access via laneway off Burt St.
Office Hours
Monday to Friday